
http://www.thenational.ae/news/worldwide/europe/norway-vows-to-fight-terror-with-more-democracyNorway vows to fight terror with 'more democracy' ノルウェーは更なる”民主主義”を持ってテロと対峙すると誓った。AMSTERDAM // Norway is struggling …


会社...guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 7 June 2011 13.34 BST The amount of radiation released by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in the days after the 11 March tsunami could have been more than double that originally estimated by its ope…


しばらくはテキストで英語の勉強をしておりました。 久しぶりに。ワシントン・ポスト5/29In Japan, the same old problems 日本では同じ古い問題がTOKYO — Mega-disasters like Japan’s earthquake-tsunami are deadly and dramatic, but economists who stu…


約一週間... 今日は地震がたくさん来ましたね。ニューヨーク・タイムズ Published: April 10, 2011 By Silencing Yankees, Beckett Provides Hope for Red Sox レッドソックスの希望でヤンキースに完封BOSTON — Josh Beckett marked his territory early aga…


忙しくなったのは仕事ではないんですがね。Fukushima radioactivity hit 7.5m times legal limit 福島の放射能が制限値の7.5倍Japan appeals for Russian help as nuclear leak raises fresh fears among fishermen and neighbouring countries 放射能漏れに…


なかなか忙しくなってきました。Libyan rebels struggle to explain rift リビアの反政府軍はその隙間を明らかにするために戦う。washingtonpost Saturday, April 2The strike, which killed 13 rebels and injured seven, illustrated the hazards of condu…


Washington in Fierce Debate on Arming Libyan Rebels リビアの軍隊についてワシントンで激しい議論がWASHINGTON — The Obama administration is engaged in a fierce debate over whether to supply weapons to the rebels in Libya, senior officials sai…


そろそろリビアがメインかね Frontline police moved into office jobs as part of cuts 前線の警官がオフィスへと移動された。部分的に。Leaked memo reveals Warwickshire police authority will take up to 150 officers off the streets のウォーリック…


寒いよ寒いよ Japan Tries to Ease Fears About Safety of Its Tap Water 日本は飲み水の安全性について恐怖心を落ち着かせようとしているよ! Published: March 24, 2011 ニューヨーク・タイムズTOKYO — The Japanese authorities are considering a plan t…


ニューヨーク・タイムズだと"Qaddafi"で、ガーディアンだと"Gaddafi"。 同じ英語でも表記が異なるのか。Is Muammar Gaddafi a target? PM and military split over war aims カダフィがターゲットか?PM(プロジェクトマネージャ?)と軍は戦争の狙いが分裂…


ニューヨーク・タイムズのトップはリビアのニュースになっておりました。Reeling From Crises, Japan Approaches Familiar Crossroads 危機からよろめいて?The New York TimesMarch 19, 2011TOKYO — Such was the power of the magnitude 9.0 earthquake on…


こんな状況ですから落ち着いて仕事も勉強もできませんね。 先ほども地震があったばかりですし。guaridian.co.uk (3/17)Japan begins water drop on stricken reactor 日本は壊れた原子炉に空からの放水をはじめたThe use of military helicopters to drop se…


Japan Says 2nd Reactor May Have Ruptured With Radioactive Release 日本が2号機が放射性物質の拡散とともに、破損してるかもよって言ってる。March 16, 2011 (The New York Times)TOKYO — Japan’s nuclear crisis intensified dramatically on Wednesda…


相当期間が空いてしまいました。もっと頑張って継続したいです。Fire and Damage at Japanese Plant Raise Risk of Nuclear Disaster 日本の原子力発電所の火災と損傷で核災害のリスク上昇 The New York Times March 15,2011TOKYO — Japan’s nuclear crisis …


Referendum system needs careful review 市民投票システムは厳しいレビューが必要である。 (→地方自治法改正 住民投票の強化は慎重に) The Yomiuri Shimbun 読売新聞(2/23)Recent confrontations between mayors and assemblies in Nagoya and Akune, K…


Sumo bout-riggers deserve tough penalties 相撲の人がペナルティを受けるよ! (→八百長は厳罰の規程を作れ)The Yomiuri Shimbun 読売新聞(2/19)An independent committee comprising outside experts that was formed last year following revelations…


Don't let territorial dispute just drift along 日露外相会談 「領土」前進へ粘り強く交渉をThe Yomiuri Shimbun 読売新聞(2/17)During their meeting in Moscow last week, Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara and his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov,…


Blurb on Japanese car mileage is not all it's cracked up to be 宣伝注の日本の車の走行距離は怪しいよ?2011/02/17 朝日新聞It always pays to scrutinize mileage figures when buying a new car. 新しい車を買うとき、その走行距離を詳しく調べる。But…


気づけば1週間あいてしまった。何故だ。Don't let Japanese be 'nontariff barrier' 障壁を放置するな? (→日本語を非関税障壁にするな)The Yomiuri Shimbun 読売新聞(2/10)Sending foreign nationals back to their home countries immediately if they…


朝日新聞(0208)NPB/ Giants lead arms race heading into '11 season 日本プロ野球/11年のシーズンの軍拡競争も巨人がリードThe Yomiuri Giants will head into the 2011 NPB season with an arms surplus, that much is certain. ジャイアンツは2011年の…


Ozawa must take political responsibility 小沢は政治責任をとるべきだ!!!!! The Yomiuri Shimbun 読売新聞(2/2) Like three of his former secretaries, former Democratic Party of Japan President Ichiro Ozawa is being pursued over criminal …


朝日新聞(2/1) Hundreds flee volcano in Kyushu 火山の影響で数百人が避難MIYAZAKI--Hundreds of residents have fled their homes as fears are growing that volcanic activity on Mount Shinmoedake will culminate in a huge eruption triggering des…


Japan must hurry to join Hague treaty 日本はハーグ条約に早く参加しなくてはThe Yomiuri Shimbun 読売新聞(0129)International marriages are on the rise, and subsequently so are cases in which former spouses engage in international custody ba…


ちょっと間が空いてしまいました。三日坊主にならずに頑張りたいと思います。読売新聞(01/23) Learn Senkaku lessons: Beef up crisis control 尖閣の教訓に学べ。危機管理の増強を The Yomiuri Shimbun 読売新聞Prosecutors in Tokyo and Naha brought tw…


Xperiaのアップデートができません。今日20時予定という話なのに。(現在22:30)朝日新聞(0119) Young architects reject modern certainties 若い建築家はモダンの必然性を避けるよ!Sosuke Fujimoto compares his new museum and library at Musashino …


ノートPCが欲しいけど特に用途はない。 朝日新聞(0117)Demand big for huge 3-D plasma displays 3Dプラズマ画面の大きな需要Thinking big has been good for Panasonic Corp. パナソニックは大きなことを考える? The electronics giant has received at …


朝日新聞(0115)Prime Minister Naoto Kan reshuffled his Cabinet on Friday to put priority on two policy issues--菅直人首相は金曜日に内閣改造を行った。2つの優先する問題のために revising the taxation system, including a consumption tax hike,…


MacBook Air 11インチ欲しい!ほしいです。はい。 朝日新聞(0113)An angry rejection of the president's post at Japan Broadcasting Corp. (NHK) amid "vicious rumors" underscores the deepening confusion at the public broadcaster that has been t…


今日は短めに (朝日新聞01/11) BEIJING--The Chinese government's concerns about growing defiance in the Catholic clergy were apparently behind the unilateral ordainments of two bishops that have deepened a diplomatic rift between Beijing a…


Kan uses Web to take message to voters (朝日新聞英語版0110)Prime Minister Naoto Kan made his first live appearance on an Internet video broadcast Friday, joining a growing crowd of senior Japanese politicians thumbing their noses at the …